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Turmeric as a natural easter egg dye

There are many ways to dye easter eggs naturally but Turmeric stands out because of the quality of the color and the taste. Turmeric makes beautiful yellow easter eggs and the smell and taste of Turmeric goes well with eggs. The eggs do not only look different, they taste differently.

dying easter eggs with Turmeric Nice eggs dyed with Turmeric
Dying easter eggs with Turmeric

Here is how to do it:

I tried as well with a brown egg but it does not really work. Here is what it looked like:
Brown eggs do not dye properly with Turmeric
Brown eggs do not dye properly with Turmeric. The brown base color of the egg is too strong.

Young children don't really seem to like the Turmeric taste on eggs but I love it. Try it! It's a different kind of easter egg.

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